Our test will cover the terms that I had the kids write in their history take home folders, plus the 4 causes of sectionalism. The terms are in the 2/24/23 post and here are the 4 causes of sectionalism:
Why would sectionalism be a problem? It’s an expression of loyalty or support for a particular region of the country, instead of the country as a whole.
Four causes of sectionalism:
- Slavery
2. Social
South-rural, agriculture based, more religious, almost all democrats
North-more urban and industrial, more educated, more diverse political parties.
3. Economic
South-agriculture and “King Cotton” based
North-manufacturing and industry based.
4. Political
South-supported stronger states rights and governments and a weak federal government. Believed states could nullify federal laws they didn’t agree with. Southern states also believed that since they came together to form the US, they had the right to break away from it as well.
North-wanted a “looser” interpretation of the Constitution and a strong central government.