Chapter 6:An American Identity: Becoming the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave

Here are the terms for the new chapter:
Impressment-forcing someone into service for an organization or government
Interchangeable parts-using standard parts in the manufacturing process of a product
landmarks-an object, building, or part of the landscape that can be recognized from a distance
National Identity-the shared character of a country as a whole, encompassing its beliefs, culture, traditions, language, and politics
Nationalism-extreme patriotism and devotion to the supremacy of one’s nation
Patriotism-strong feelings of pride in one’s country

Blockade -a military action that uses troops or warships to stop people or supplies from entering or leaving an area.
Expedition-a journey or trip that is organized for a specific purpose, such as exploring or war.
Free Enterprise-an economic system where businesses have little government regulation and are free to operate competitively for profit.
Demand-the total amount of goods and services consumers are willing to buy at various prices.
Supply-the amount of something that is available.
Industry-a group of businesses that produce or sell similar products or services
Mechanization-the process of using machines, technology, or automation to do work that was previously done by hand or with animals.
Steel Plow-invented in 1837 by John Deere to improve farming. Deere used steel instead of cast iron, that made dirt cling to the blade, making it easier to plow without stopping