Come to My Colony Group Project

We will be starting our Come to My Colony Group Project today.

After setting our groups and your colony, you will start researching your colony to find facts and interesting things about your colony that will make others want to come to yours!
Day 1-researching your colony only-use the topics below to guide your research
Day 2-researching your colony only-use the topice below to guide your research
Day 3-decide the layout of the tri-fold, and start drawing pictures and writing
Day 4-finalize the drawings and writing, and turn project in.

research your colony, and find facts about these topics:
natural resources
economic opportunities
type of government
religion in the colony
goods produced
when founded and by who
what grows well on the land.
major cities or towns
social life
relationships with native Americans
Anything else you think is interesting

Here’s how to make a tri-fold brochure:

Facts about the 13 Colonies

The Original 13 Colonies
1. Virginia-1st permanent English settlement in America; the richest colony
Year founded: 1607 Jamestown
Why people came there: to find gold and silver and a waterway to the Pacific
1st people to come: 144 English men and boys
Goods produced: tobacco, glass, beer, wine, pottery

2. New York-the breadbasket colony because of wheat
Year founded: 1613 by Dutch, but taken over by English in 1644.
Why people came there: economic opportunities
1st people to come: Dutch, English, different countries and religions
Goods produced: wheat, corn, tobacco, timber, iron ore

3. Massachusetts Bay Colony-the self-governing colony
Year founded: 1630 on the Mayflower and other ships
Why people came there: Religious freedom
1st people to come: 1,000 Puritans from England led by John Winthrop
Goods produced: Timber, fish, furs, corn, ships
Government-theocratic government limited to church members

4. Maryland-safe haven for religious persons
Year founded: 1633 by Baron Baltimore(royal colony)
Why people came there: safe haven for Catholics, Quakers and Puritans
1st people to come: Catholics from England
Goods produced: tobacco

5. Rhode Island-absolute separation of church and state
Year founded: 1636, with land bought from Narranganset Indians
Why people came there: Banished from Massachusetts colony led by John Williams
1st people to come: a refuge for English people seeking religious freedom all different faiths.
Goods Produced: timber, apples, rum, horses, salted meats and cheese

6. Connecticut-first written constitution in the new world
Year founded: 1636, by John Hooker, preacher, land bought from Indians.
Why people came there: religious freedom
1st people to come: English Puritans from Plymouth and Mass. Colony
Goods produced: livestock, corn, lumber, clocks, coffee mills, buttons,

7. New Hampshire-The “Live Free or Die” colony
Year founded: 1629 by English sailor and merchant John Mason
Why people came there: economic opportunities
1st people to come: English to make things to sell back to England
Goods produced: fishing, beaver pelts, timber

8. Delaware-another breadbasket colony because of wheat
Year founded: 1638 by Peter Minuit,
Why people came there: religious freedom-Quakers and Presbyterians, good farmland
1st people to come: Dutch, Swedes, English(Dutch first came to harvest whales)
Goods produced: wheat, corn, tobacco, flour, paper, gunpowder

9. North Carolina-plantation state
Year founded: Roanoke-1587, then 1655 by Nathaniel Betts, a farmer
Why people came there: farm tobacco, religious freedom
1st people to come: English, Germans, Ireland, Scotland
Goods produced: tobacco, rice,

10. South Carolina-separated from N. Carolina in 1729; rich from plantations
Year founded: 1663, by King Charles II to Lord’s Proprietors
Why people came there: planters seeking wealth(relied heavily on slave labor)
1st people to come: English and French
Goods produced: cotton, rice, tobacco, indigo

11. New Jersey-breadbasket colony because of wheat
Year founded: 1664 by Lord Berkeley(royal colony)
Why people came there: religious freedom and fertile land
1st people to come: English-religious freedom, and cheap land.
Goods produced: corn, livestock, timber, textiles, shipbuilding

12. Pennsylvania-’Penn’s woods”, another breadbasket colony
Year founded: 1681 by William Penn
Why people came there: religious freedom( safe haven for Quakers)
1st people to come: English and German Quaker religious sect and Amish
Goods produced: wheat, corn, rye, hemp, iron, glassware,

13. Georgia-the last colony, named after King George
Year founded: 1732 by James Ogelthorpe as a buffer between England and Florida
Why people came there: chance to start over from debt in England
1st people to come: debtors from England
Goods produced: rice, indigo, tobacco, lumber

Roanoke , Jamestown, and Plymouth colony videos and activities

Monday: Watch this video, and write a paragraph about the Roanoke colony, and then write another paragraph what you think happened to it.

Tuesday: Watch this video, and make a chart comparing why the Roanoke colony failed, and the Jamestown colony survived, despite facing many of the same challenges.

Wednesday: Watch this video about the Plymouth colony:

Afterwards, write a story with you as a Pilgrim, and why you would want to make the journey to America.

Unit 3 vocabulary words

These are the terms you will write in your history folder for use in this unit, so write these terms and their definitions:
exploration – traveling to new territories for the purpose of discovery
colony – a settlement ruled by a distant country
migration – movement from one region to another
mercantilism – economic policy where colonies serve as a source of raw materials to increase the wealth and maintain a favorable balance of trade for the “mother” country
free enterprise system – market system where people have freedom as consumers and producers
cash crop – a crop that is sold for money
representative government – political system where policies are created by representatives selected by the people
monarchy – a government where the ruler inherits the leadership role
industry – economic activity that involves the making of a particular product

We will also be using these terms in this unit, but I will provide you with a copy of these terms so we don’t spend so much time writing terms. DO NOT WRITE THESE DOWN in your folder!!!

Compact- an agreement or contract that people agree to
Agricultural- the science and practice of growing crops, raising livestock, and cultivating soil to provide food and other products for people
Columbian exchange-the exchange of plants, animals, diseases, people, and ideas between the Americas, Europe, and Africa that began in the 15th century. It was greatly influenced by Christopher Columbus’s voyages in 1492.
Conquistadors-a Spanish or Portuguese soldier or explorer who conquered new territories and established colonies and trade routes during the Age of Discovery
Missionaries-someone who is sent to spread a religious faith or do charitable work, often in a foreign country.
Charter-a British colony in America that was governed by a charter from the king, allowing the colonists to have a degree of self-government and rights.
Indentured servants-a person who agrees to work for another person for a set period of time in exchange for benefits like food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. Most contracts were for 5 years.
Slave trade-The practice of kidnapping people, selling them, and forcing them to work.
Slavery- the ownership of a person as property, especially in regards to their labor.
Markets-a place where goods are sold.

Class assignment for Thursday, 9/26/24

Hi everybody,
While I am out this Thursday, 9/26/24, this will be your assignment:
1. Watch the video below, with your earbuds on. Take notes in your history folder about things you find interesting and important, as we will talk about them on Friday when I return.
2. Complete the coloring and labeling activity by the end of class, and put it in your history folder as well. You are welcome to use my colored pencils and markers on my filing cabinet, but put all materials back by the end of class.
We will discuss the the colonies in more detail when I return.

Be good for the substitute teacher!!! I want a great report when I return.