Blooket review for the test on Friday!

Choose the blooket entitled “The Era of Good Feelings and Andrew Jackson”

The quiz will cover material and terms:

Era of Good Feelings-period from 1817-1825, where a sense of nationalism and isolationism took over America.
The 5 Civilized Tribes-Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Cherokee, and Seminole Indian tribes who were adopting some white culture, like agriculture, learning to read and speak English, practicing Christianity, and even owning slaves.
Indian Removal Act of 1830-Law enacted that required all Indians in the Southeastern US to relocate to lands west of the Mississippi River.
Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia-The Cherokees sued Georgia to not have to move to Oklahoma. The Supreme Court ruled against them being an independent nation.
The Trail of Tears-the forced relocation of 60,000 Indians from the Southeastern US to Eastern Oklahoma.
Nationalism-Extreme loyalty to your country, and believing that all other countries are inferior.
Isolationism-a national policy of avoiding contact with other countries, good or bad, and focusing all efforts into making your country better.
The Second Bank of the United States-a federal bank that was in charge of rebuilding the US economy after the war of 1812. Jackson believed it was an illegal elitist institution that rivaled the other 3 branches of government, and it was closed in 1835 by President Jackson.

Pressganging-The British navy took American sailors from their ships and forced them to work for them.
Tecumseh-Native American who led a multi-tribe army against the Americans. Armed by the British. He was killed in the battle of the Thames, and this ended the Tecumseh Confederacy.
USS Constitution-US war ship that won multiple battles in the War of 1812. Nicknamed “Old Ironsides” after cannon balls were seen bouncing off its 22 inch hull.
Andrew Jackson-commander for the US at the Battle of New Orleans. Famous for winning the battle, which made him a national hero. 7th President of the US.Treaty of Ghent-peace treaty between the US and Britain that ended the war of 1812.

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