Terms for our Quiz on Wednesday

Suffrage-the right or privilege of voting
Temperance- abstinence from drinking alcoholic beverages.
Carrie Nation(1846-1911)-a radical member of the temperance movement who became famous for destroying alcohol serving establishments in Kansas.
Susan B. Anthony(1820-1906)-An American women’s rights activist who played a significant role in women’s suffrage, the anti-slavery movement, and the temperance movement.
Women’s Christian Temperance Union-A women’s christian organization dedicated to increasing social justice and public health, including labor laws, suffrage, and the banning of alcohol use.
Prohibition-The. banning of alcohol by the United States.
immigration – moving from one’s homeland to live in another place.
urbanization – the migration of people to live in cities.
sweatshop-a place of work where workers earn very low wages in unhealthy conditions.
15th Amendment-This amendment gave black males the right to vote.
14th Amendment-This amendment gave former slaves citizenship.
18th Amendment-This amendment made the possession, manufacture and distribution of alcohol illegal.
19th Amendment-This amendment gave women the right to vote.

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